Recommendations by Kadeau Bornholm
To ensure a full experience when you visit Kadeau Bornholm, we have handpicked the most relevant accomodation for your stay.
We have chosen to work with a select group of places and people, with whom we share our values. Your wellbeing is the most important to us, and to our partners as well.
For an overnight stay, visit Lene and Michael at Dammegaard Bed & Breakfast. This quaint residence is only five minutes by car from Kadeau. We also highly recommend a stay at Hotel Siemsens Gaard in Svaneke, a 25 minute car ride from Kadeau Bornholm. At this old, well-preserved merchant house you can enjoy a calming view of the Baltic Sea and the buzzing life of Svaneke harbour. At Melsted Badehotel outside Gudhjem, you'll be staying at a classic Nordic-style beach hotel with one of Bornholm's most beautiful views of cliffs, beach and ocean.
We look forward to welcoming you.